The following public-domain tools can be useful for more detailed analysis,
visualization, and modeling of neurons and their morphology.
Main Tools
Repositories of neural reconstructions mirrored into NeuroMorpho.Org and
corresponding NeuroMorpho.Org archives.
- Allen Institute for Brain Science,
Allen Cell Types archive
- Borst Cells (original repository no longer available),
Borst archive
- Cell-Centered Database (original repository no longer available),
Martone archive
- Destexhe Cells (original repository no longer available),
Destexhe archive
- FlyCircuit, Chiang archive
- Gulyas archive/Freund Lab (original repository no longer available),
Gulyas archive
- MapZebrain,
Baier archive
- MouseLight,
MouseLight archive
- Spruston cells, Spruston archive
- Wearne/Hof Cells, Wearne-Hof archive
Other useful Links