8.6.73 - Released: 2025-03-06 - Content: 273481 cells
   Search > Keywords

Search the database by keywords

Please enter keyword(s) or NeuroMorpho.Org ID(s) in the text area. Each keyword should be separated by commas (,) or ampersand symbols (&) and is NOT case sensitive. The asterisk (*) character operates as a wildcard for the search.
Example: principal cell & hippocampus

Your search results can be arranged:


More examples of some useful input queries:
  • NMO_00001
    Will return the reconstruction that is assigned the specific NeuroMorpho.Org ID in the database.
  • motoneuron & cat, rat
    Will return all 'motoneurons' of 'cat' or 'rat' species.
  • markram, jaffe, ascoli & neurolucida
    Will return all 'neurolucida' reconstructions from 'markram', 'jaffe' and 'ascoli' archives.
  • ca1 & golgi
    Will return all hippocampal 'ca1' neurons that are traced with 'golgi' stain.
  • sensory*
    Will return all the reconstructions with metadata categories containing the keyword 'sensory' preceded or followed by any other characters.

Note: The string input is NOT case sensitive, but synonyms or plurals are not directly supported. For possible search keywords refer to the Metadata search page dropdown lists.

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