
This function returns the ratio between the diameter of a daughter and its father . One values for each daughter is returned at each bifurcation point.
Formula : D a D b

D p D p


Function Output Type : Real

Calculated : At each bifurcation point

Returns a value : For each branch

Command Line Usage Function : "-f26, 0, 0, 10.0"

Metric Total_Sum #Compartments
Minimum Average Maximum S.D.
Parent_Daughter_Ratio 175 204 (1350) 0.02809 0.8623 1 0.2333
*All units are ratios

Values to consider : Min, Avg, Max
Output Interpretation :

As its a ratio, the Total_Sum doesn't make any sense. And all other compartments that not connected as parent and daughter are discarded.

Total_Sum = 175 gives Total_Sum, Minimum = 0.02809 gives minimum, Maximum = 1 gives maximum for given input neuron

References :
All other compartments that not connected as parent and daughter are discarded..