
This function returns the Euclidean distance of a compartment with respect to soma.
Formula: Sqrt ( ( x 1 - x 2 ) 2 + ( y 1 - y 2 ) 2 )
(Straight Line Distance)

Function Output Type : Real

Calculated : At each tracing point

Returns a value : For each compartment

Command Line Usage Function : "-f15, 0, 0, 10.0"

Metric Total_Sum #Compartments
Minimum Average Maximum S.D.
EucDistance 369259 1554 (0) 0 237.619 671.813 166.804
*All units are in microns

Values to consider : All

Output Interpretation :

Euclidean distance is the straight line distance from the soma to the given point. The above example, shows the total EucDistance is 369259 microns.

Total_Sum = 369259 gives Total_Sum, Minimum = 0 gives minimum, Maximum = 671.813 gives maximum for given input neuron.

References :