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Chap. 1 (pp 3-26): Computing
the brain and the computing brain (G. Ascoli)
Chap. 3 (pp 49-70):
and description of neuronal morphology using L-Neuron: a case study.
Donohue, R. Scorcioni, G. Ascoli)
Chap. 6 (pp 105-125): The
relationship between neuronal shape and neuronal activity. (J.
S. Nasuto)
Chap 7 (pp 127-148):
aspects in anatomically accurate simulations of neuronal
(M. Lazarewicz, S. Boer-Iwema, G. Ascoli)
Chap 12 (pp 245-270): Axonal
navigation through voxel substrates: a strategy for reconstructing
circuitry. (S. Senft)
Chap 19 (pp 425-436):
virtual brains. (A. Samsonovich, G. Ascoli)
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Samsonovich A., Ascoli G.: A simple neural network model of the
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Scorcioni R., Ascoli G.: Algorithmic reconstruction of complete
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Samsonovich A., Ascoli G.: Algorithmic description of
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Donohue D., Ascoli G.: Local diameter fully constrains dendritic
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Brown K., Donohue D., D’Alessandro G., Ascoli G.: A
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35) Migliore M., Ferrante M., Ascoli G.: Signal propagation in oblique
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Samsonovich A., Ascoli G.: Morphological homeostasis in
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Ascoli G: Mobilizing the base of neuroscience data: the case of
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38) Ascoli G., Scorcioni R.: Neuron and network modeling. In
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39) Li X.,
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40) Krichmar
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41) Ascoli G.:
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42) Duque A.,
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43) Ascoli G.,
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44) Ascoli G.:
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45) Ascoli G.:
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46) Samsonovich A., Ascoli G.: Computational models of dendritic
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51) Donohue
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53) Li X.,
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54) Scorcioni
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55) Ropireddy D., Bachus S., Scorcioni R., Ascoli G.: Computational
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56) Ascoli G.,
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57) Migliore M., Ascoli G., Jaffe D.: CA3 cells - Detailed and
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58) Ferrante
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59) Scorcioni
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60) Brown K., Gillette T.,
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61) Gardner D., Akil H., Ascoli G., Bowden D., Bug W., Donohue D,
Goldberg D., Grafstein B., Grethe J., Gupta A., Halavi M., Kennedy D.,
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62) Marenco L., Ascoli G., Martone M., Shepherd G., Miller P.: The
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63) Bug W., Ascoli G., Grethe J., Gupta A., Fennema-Notestine C., Laird
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64) Halavi M., Polavaram S., Donohue D., Hamilton G., Hoyt J., Smith
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65) Ascoli G., Samsonovich A.: Science of the conscious mind. Biol.
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66) Ascoli G.,
Halavi M.: Neuroinformatics. In: Squire LR (ed.) Encyclopedia of
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67) Komendantov A.,
Ascoli G.: Dendritic excitability and neuronal
morphology as determinants of synaptic efficacy, J Neurophysiol,
68) Hemond P.,
Migliore M., Ascoli G., Jaffe D.: The membrane response
of CA3 pyramidal neurons near rest: heterogeneity of passive properties
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69) Ascoli G., Brown K.,
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Geometry and Distinct Cell Classes. J Comp Neurol. 515:677-695,(2009).
70) Ferrante M., Migliore M., Ascoli G.: Feed-forward inhibition as a buffer of the neuronal
input-output relation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 106:18004-9,(2009).
71) Ascoli G., Gasparini S., Medinilla V., Migliore M.: Local Control of Postinhibitory Rebound Spiking in CA1
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72) Ropireddy D., Scorcioni R., Lasher B., Buzsaki G., Ascoli G.: Axonal morphometry of hippocampal pyramidal neurons
semi-automatically reconstructed after in vivo labeling in different CA3 locations. Brain Struct. Funct. 216:1-15,(2011).
73) Costa L., Batista J., Ascoli G.: Communication structure of cortical networks. Front. Comput. Neurosci., 5:6. doi: 10.3389/fncom.2011.00006,(2011).
74) Brown K., Barrionuevo G., Canty A., De Paola V., Hirsch J., Jefferis G., Lu J., Snippe M., Sugihara I., Ascoli G.: The DIADEM Data Sets: Representative Light Microscopy
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75) Gillette T., Brown K., Ascoli G.: The DIADEM Metric: Comparing Multiple Reconstructions of the Same Neuron. Neuroinform 9:233-245,(2011).
76) Donohue D., Ascoli G.: Automated reconstruction of neuronal morphology: An overview. Brain Research Reviews 67:94-102,(2011).
77) Ropireddy D., Ascoli G.: Potential synaptic connectivity of different neurons onto pyramidal cells in a 3D reconstruction of the rat hippocampus. Front. Neuroinform., 5:5. doi:10.3389/fninf.2011.00005.,(2011).
78) Baker J., Perez-Rosello T., Migliore M., Barrionuevo G., Ascoli G.: A computer model of unitary responses from associational/commissural and perforant path synapses in hippocampal CA3 pyramidal cells. J. Comp. Neurol. 31:137-158 (2011).
Erratum to: Journal of Computational Neuroscience, DOI 10.1007/s10827-010-0303-y and DOI 10.1007/s10827-010-0304-x. J. Comput. Neurosci. 31:183-183,(2011).
79) Perez-Rosello T., Baker J., Ferrante M., Iyengar S., Ascoli G., Barrionuevo G.: Passive and active shaping of unitary responses from associational/commissural and perforant path synapses in hippocampal CA3 pyramidal cells. J. Comput. Neurosci. 31:159-182,(2011).
80) Ropireddy D., Bachus S., Ascoli G.: Non-Homogeneous Stereological Properties of the Rat Hippocampus from High-Resolution 3D Serial Reconstruction of Thin Histological Sections. Neuroscience 205:91-111,(2012).
81) Myatt D., Tye H., Ascoli G., Nasuto S.: Neuromantic - from semi manual to semi automatic reconstruction of neuron morphology. Front. Neuroinform., 6:4. doi: 10.3389/fninf.2012.00004.,(2012).
82) Halavi M., Hamilton K., Parekh R., Ascoli G.: Digital reconstructions of neuronal morphology: three decades of research trends. Front. Neurosci., 6:49. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2012.00049.,(2012).
83) Hamilton D., Shepherd G., Martone M., Ascoli G.: An ontological approach to describing neurons and their relationships. Front. Neuroinform., 6:15. doi: 10.3389/fninf.2012.00015.,(2012).
84) Gardner B., Vogel A., Mainetti M., Ascoli G.: Quantitative Measurements of Autobiographical Memory Content. PLoS ONE, 7:9. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0044809,(2012).
85) Gillette T., Ascoli G.: Measuring and modeling morphology: How dendrites take shape. Computational Systems Neurobiology, N. Le Novere Ed., 387-427, Springer Dordrecht.,(2012).
86) Brown K., Sugihara I., Shinoda Y., Ascoli G.: Digital Morphometry of Rat Cerebellar Climbing Fibers Reveals Distinct Branch and Bouton Types. J. Neurosci., 32(42), 14670-14684,(2012).
87) Ferrante M., Migliore M., Ascoli G.:Functional Impact of Dendritic Branch-Point Morphology. J. Neurosci. 33(5), 2156-2165,(2013).
88) Ascoli G., Samsonovich A.: A spiking-network cognitive architecture inspired by the hippocampus. bica, 3, 13-26,(2013).
89) DeFelipe J., Ló-Cruz P., Benavides-Piccione R., Bielza C., Larrañaga P., Anderson S., Burkhalter A., Cauli B., Fairén A., Feldmeyer D., Fishell G., Fitzpatrick D., Freund T., González-Burgos G., Hestrin S., Hill S., Hof P., Huang J., Jones E., Kawaguchi Y., Kisvarday Z., Kubota Y., Lewis D., Marin O., Markram H., McBain C., Meyer H., Monyer H., Nelson S., Rockland K., Rossier J., Rubenstein J., Rudy B., Scanziani M., Shepherd G., Sherwood C., Staiger J., Tamás G., Thomson A., Wang Y., Yuste R., Ascoli G.: Petilla Terminology: New insights into the classification and nomenclature of cortical GABAergic interneurons. Nature Rev. Neurosci. 14:202-216 (2013).
90) Parekh R., Ascoli G.: Neuronal Morphology Goes Digital: A Research Hub for Cellular and System Neuroscience. Neuron, 77, 1017-1038,(2013).
91) Ascoli G.: The Mind-Brain Relationship as a Mathematical Problem. ISRN Neuroscience, 2013, 1-13,(2013).
92) Berzhanskaya J., Chernyy N., Gluckman B., Schiff S., Ascoli G.: Modulation of hippocampal rhythms by subthreshold electric fields and network topology. J Comp Neurosci., 34(3), 369-89,(2013).
93) Samsonovich A., Ascoli G.: Augmenting Weak Semantic Cognitive Maps with an "abstractness"" Dimension. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2013,(2013).
94) Wright S., Kochunov P., Mut F., Bergamino M., Brown K., Mazziotta J., Toga A., Cebral J., Ascoli G.: Digital Reconstruction and Morphometric Analysis of Human Brain Arterial Vasculature from Magnetic Resonance Angiography. NeuroImage, 82, 170-181,(2013).
95) Gardner R., Uttaro M., Fleming S., Suarez D., Ascoli G., Dumas T.:A secondary working memory challenge preserves primary place strategies despite overtraining. Learning & Memory, 20(11), 648-656,(2013).
96) Polavaram S., Gillette T., Parekh R., Ascoli G.:Statistical analysis and data mining of digital
reconstructions of dendritic morphologies. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 8(138), (2014).
97) Ascoli G.: Hippocampus’ Role in Learning and Memory. In J. Trefil Ed.: Discoveries in Modern Science (Macmillan Reference’s Exploration, Invention, Technology), pp. 482-487 (2014).